
Prospective international students

Fees and Scholarships


Applicable fees for our successful special entrance exam international students in their first year of study are as follows (based on actual figures for 2016):

Faculty of Law, Faculty of Economics and Management

Fee Type First Payment Due
when accepted
Second Payment Due
by September 30
Total Payment
Entrance Fee 200,000 yen 200,000 yen
Tuition Fee 367,500 yen 367,500 yen 735,000 yen
Maintenance Fee 150,000 yen 150,000 yen 300,000 yen
Extracurricular Fee 15,000 yen 15,000 yen
Laboratory Practical Fee
Miscellaneous Fees 12,500 yen 12,500 yen 25,000 yen
Total 745,000 yen 530,000 yen 1,275,000 yen

Faculty of Media and Information Resouces

Fee Type First Payment Due
when accepted
Second Payment Due
by September 30
Total Payment
Entrance Fee 200,000 yen 200,000 yen
Tuition Fee 367,500 yen 367,500 yen 735,000 yen
Maintenance Fee 150,000 yen 150,000 yen 300,000 yen
Extracurricular Fee 15,000 yen 15,000 yen
Equipment Enhancement Fee 35,000 yen 35,000 yen 70,000 yen
Miscellaneous Fees 12,500 yen 12,500 yen 25,000 yen
Total 780,000 yen 565,000 yen 1,345,000 yen

Faculty of Sports Science

Fee Type First Payment Due
when accepted
Second Payment Due
by September 30
Total Payment
Entrance Fee 200,000 yen 200,000 yen
Tuition Fee 367,500 yen 367,500 yen 735,000 yen
Maintenance Fee 150,000 yen 150,000 yen 300,000 yen
Laboratory Practical Fee 15,000 yen 15,000 yen
Equipment Enhancement Fee 62,500 yen 62,500 yen 125,000 yen
Miscellaneous Fees 12,500 yen 12,500 yen 25,000 yen
Total 807,500 yen 592,500 yen 1,400,000 yen

Faculty of Psychology

Fee Type First Payment Due
when accepted
Second Payment Due
by September 30
Total Payment
Entrance Fee 200,000 yen 200,000 yen
Tuition Fee 367,500 yen 367,500 yen 735,000 yen
Maintenance Fee 150,000 yen 150,000 yen 300,000 yen
Extracurricular Fee 15,000 yen 15,000 yen
Equipment Enhancement Fee 7,500 yen 7,500 yen 15,000 yen
Miscellaneous Fees 12,500 yen 12,500 yen 25,000 yen
Total 752,500 yen 537,500 yen 1,290,000 yen
  1. Entrance fee, extracurricular fee and laboratory practical fee are paid only in the first year.
  2. The breakdown of the miscellaneous fees includes \ 10,000 for parents' association fee, \ 10,000 for mutual support fee, and \ 5,000 for alumni fee.


Reduction/Exemption of Entrance Fee

  • Successful applicants of our special entrance exam (international students) will have their entrance fee reduced from \200,000 to \100,000.

Tuition Fee Reduction for Self-Funded International Students

  • Tuition fee will be reduced for self-funded international students with excellent results. In 2021, 181 out of 195 international students had their tuition fee reduced. For 2022, successful applicants of our special exam (international students) are expected to be given a 30% reduction in tuition.

Scholarships from Foundations and Other Civilian Bodies (For International Students)

The university will recommend students for a number of scholarships.

List of Scholarships

Name of Scholarship Monthly Stipend
Monbukagakusho Honors Scholarship 48,000 yen
Rotary Yoneyama Memorial Foundation Scholarship 100,000 yen
Hashimoto Yasuhiko Scholarship for Asian and African International Students 50,000 yen
Heiwa Nakajima Foundation Scholarship 100,000 yen
Japan Educational Exchanges and Services (JEES) scholarship for Japanese Language Education Promotion 50,000 yen
Nagasaka International Scholarship Foundation 50,000 yen
Sato Yo International Scholarship Foundation 150,000 yen