
Lifestyle information

Living in Hanno

Hanno City

Hanno City, which is home to Suruga University, is located in the southwestern part of Saitama Prefecture. Its southern sections border on Tokyo. The city is located approximately 40 km from the center of Tokyo, and while it is easily accessible, the city is blessed with natural features such as greenery and clear streams. Since long ago, Hanno’s local people have lived together with the bountiful forests, which has assisted in building their daily lives, culture, history, and industry. With this as its background, the city was declared a “City of Forest and Culture” on April 1st, 2005. Hanno is a city in which nature and urban functions work in harmony.

Hanno City

Hanno’s climate

Hanno’s climate belongs to the inland climate of the Pacific Ocean side of Japan. The mountainous areas are subject to sharp temperature differences between the seasons. Hanno City has one of the highest amounts of rainfall in Saitama Prefecture.

Hanno City’s climate throughout the year

Hanno’s climate Hanno’s climate

Amount of rainfall

Hanno’s climate Hanno’s climate

Hanno stands on firm ground that is resistant to earthquakes

Japan has experienced major earthquakes of a magnitude of 7–8. The majority of Hanno City, however, stands on firm ground and is a relatively earthquake-safe area.